Origin of Swine Flu – A Short History of the Disease


In first Swine flu are discovered in pigs in 1918. It was very similar to human influenza but with the passage of time, it becomes a more and more painful and dangerous disease. In 1930 a virus was discovered by scientists that were considered as one of the causes of swine flu. Then it is also found in various types of birds. But later on, it became a killing disease for human beings. 1997 to 2000 some other virus discovered that are known as swine and avian, these viruses are very dangerous and consider as the main cause of this diseases in North America.

But later on, it began to spread in other consecutive as well as far counties. In 1976 swine flu attacked the united state’ army. Many army officers were killed by swine flu in a very short time. Then united state’s researchers and scientist try their best to introduce the vaccination of swine flu. On the day of starting this vaccination, the senior citizen of the united state, unfortunately, died with swine flu. So swine flu became a long fear for the people as well as govt. At that time people did not rely on the govt. and its health programs. That time was very hard and tough for the govt. of United States.

In 1988, a 32-year-old pregnant woman died due to swine flu but fortunately, doctors were successful to save her daughter before her death. His husband was also suffering from this disease but he was recovered after vaccination. In 1998 the virus of swine flu also was found in pigs in some areas of the USA. And according to scientists cause of this virus was human and bird flu.

At the start, the viruses of swine flu are classified into main three types that are Influenza A, Influenza B, and Influenza C. These types of viruses also have many subtypes. With the passage of time ideas, knowledge, and fact of the people about swine flu have changed. And more effective vaccination is introduced for swine flu. Now the treatment of this disease is applied by keeping in view the bad and killing effects of this disease.

Researches on swine flu viruses did not stop after the discovery of swine flu due to its bad effects on many countries. It was badly affected the economy and human capital of many countries. In 2007 it was proved by some tests that it spread only because of the backyard of pig farms.

According to the most recent research, World Health Organization H1N1 is the main cause of swine flu in humans. And now swine flu has become a very common and dangerous disease in many countries. The governments of those countries trying their best to uproot swine flu by the invention of some very effective treatment.